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Islay Suffolks

The Suffolk flock was established in 1998 when Elaine lived on the Scottish Island of Islay from where the flock prefix originated. Although we have since moved to Lockerbie we have retained the prefix as homage to where it all began.

Between the months of May and September we can be seen at various agricultural shows where we compete to have the best Suffolk sheep against other breeders, winning many championships over the years.

If you want to follow the highs and lows of a show season with us then please follow us on facebook @islaysuffolks, thanks!


Why Suffolks?

Suffolks got my attention from an early age after watching judging at the Royal Highland Show and being captivated by their stand out appearance of sheer size and jet black set against the white body. After a bit more research finding evidence of the rapid growth rate, length and weight gain of the offspring in terms of pedigree and commercial advantage, they were the breed of choice and the starting point to the addiction that is still present today!

If you wish to know more about the breed please click the button below which will take you to the Suffolk Sheep Society's official website where you will find everything you need to know about this fantastic breed of sheep.

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